Thursday 16 November 2017

Etrade Wont La Me Trade Alternativer

ULTIMATE Questrade Review 2017 Questrade har dukket opp som online meglerleder i Canada ved å yte enestående service til alle vanlige investorer. De har de laveste provisjonene i Canada gjennom en demokratisk prisstruktur, sammen med gode forskningsverktøy og solide handelsplattformer. Questrade er også vurdert som den raskest voksende leverandøren av finansielle tjenester, delvis på grunn av fremragende kundeservice. 9660 Rull ned for dybdevurderingen SkrevetUppdatert av Emma Li på lørdag 25. februar 2017 Editor Rating: (90) User Rating: (95) Når det gjelder å investere i 2017, blir handelslandskapet bading og sprekker i sømmen med utallige finansielle meglerhus. Store navn som BMO InvestorLine, RBC Direct Investing, TD Direct Investing, Interactive Brokers, Scotia iTrade, og minst et dusin flere er tilgjengelige for å velge fra. Dessverre, gjennom dypere analyser, kan man enkelt skille ut særpreget forskjell blant dem, spesielt innenfor sirkelen til de store bankene. De fleste meglerfirmaer gjør hovedsakelig inntektene sine gjennom nye og oppfinnsomme concoctions av utallige og løpende gebyrer som presses på sine kontoinnehavere. Slike avgifter inkluderer, men er ikke begrenset til, administrasjonsgebyrer, oppsettgebyrer, aktivitetsavgifter, inaktivitetsavgifter, skjulte avgifter og etter-timers avgift. Disse ekstra kostnadene kan være fine og dandy for brøkdel av høyvolumhandlere, bare fordi deres rene handelsvolumer og realiserte gevinster kan potensielt kompensere disse utgiftene over tid. Men for resten av oss er de ekstra og konsekvente gebyrene en påminnelse om at over tid vinner huset alltid8221. Bruk Offer Code: Canada for å motta 50 i Free Trades fra Questrade. Begynnende investorer vil vanligvis se til deres lokale bank for å åpne sin handelskonto hovedsakelig utenom bekvemmelighet, siden de allerede har en eller flere personlige kontoenavtaler med den banken, og så åpner en handelskonto bare en telefonsamtale unna. Den uheldige katastrofen med denne tilnærmingen er de store bankene, og for det forhold vil nesten alle andre meglerfirmaer i Canada belaste deg en arm og et ben for enhver form for aktivitet du gjør (og ikke gjør) i din handelskonto. Ja, selv i denne ekspansive internettalderen der alt er selvbetjent 247 bekvemmelighet, er provisjonsplaner over hele linjen lange, robuste og veldig mye bedriftsbunde-vennlig. Med standardpriser på 29-49 per handel er vanlig, kan man bare spørre om hele bransjen er en del av en prisfastsetting. Hvor er valgene The Rise of Questrade. Stiftet i 1999 ønsket dette selskapet å være og være noe annerledes. Å se den voksende utilfredsheten blant aktive og inaktive handelsmenn som var lei av å se på markedsgevinsten, ble vasket bort i en deluge av nye megleravgifter fra andre selskaper. Questrade startet en prosess med å strømline hele investeringsstrategien. Og på den måten tror jeg at de har gjort en fin inntrykkssjobb. I resten av denne vurderingen vil jeg utforske Questrade og deres kollektive tilbud når det gjelder det gode og det dårlige. Først litt om meg. Jeg er ikke en aggressiv høyt aktiv handelsmann. De fleste ganger vil jeg ta buy-and-hold-tilnærmingen som min prøvde og sanne investeringsstil. Og så når jeg kjøper inn i et selskap, gjør jeg det på lang sikt. Men til tider får jeg det kløe og begynner å handle som en gal person, men dette skjer ikke ofte. Questrade tilbyr en godt utformet industri unik 8216demokratisk pricing8217 aksjemarkedskommisjon: 1 cent per aksje med en minimumsavgift på 4.95trade og et maksimumsbeløp på 9,95 8212, som er ideelt for langsiktige investorer. Aktive forhandlere (eller noen som helst når som helst) har alternativet 1 cent per aksje (1 prosent minimum 6,95 maksimum), eller en 4,95 flat provisjonskostnad 8212 ideell for høyvolum aksjehandel. Alternativer som investerer for disse aktive brukerne kommer med en attraktivt lav 4,95 75 prosent per kontrakt. Og prosessen med å bli med på dette alternative programmet innebærer bare å abonnere på en av Questrade8217s flere avanserte markedsdataplaner. Dette bør sees på igjen Det er ikke en skrivefeil Questrade tilbyr de billigste handelen i hele Canada. Prispengene deres er så imponerende at det faktisk oppfordrer nye og eller små investorer til å hoppe inn og delta i investeringsspillet, samtidig som de lurer på fortalte aktive handelsmenn fra andre meglerfirmaer å overføre i (uten kostnad). De gjør det rikelig klart at de ikke betaler oppsettavgifter, årsavgifter eller inaktivitetsavgifter (mer om dette senere) på noen av deres tjenester som er en velkommen endring i bransjestandarden. Men for de som leter etter mer av en aktivt forvaltet portefølje, er det en spesialitetstjeneste de tilbyr til en nominell årlig avgift. Dette vil bli drøftet i dybden senere i denne anmeldelsen. Det er noen andre bemerkelsesverdige fordeler som tilbys av Questrade. Den første er evnen til å kjøpe ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) midler uten provisjonsavgift 8212 de er gratis å kjøpe Med så mange investorer som setter til ETFs i disse dager på grunn av deres lave MER og diversifisert rekkevidde, er det et flott frisk pust til kunne gjøre det uten kostnad. Questrade kan være en av de første rabattmeglerne i Canada for å gjøre en slik ting, og jeg applauderer dem. For det andre tilbyr Questrade IPO (Initial Public Offering). For de som ikke er kjent med IPOer, er dette bare det første salg av nye utgaver av et privat selskap til publikum. Questrade har regelmessig tilgang til et bredt spekter av nye tilbud, noe som gjør dem tilgjengelige for kunder. Questrade tilbyr flere typer kontoer: Marginekontoer (f. eks. Individuell, Uformell Tillit, Forretning) Registrert (f. eks. TFSA, RRSP, RESP) Forex (FX) og Kontrakt for forskjell ) Og gir tilgang til følgende tjenester: 1 prosent per aksje 8211 4,95trade minimum 9,95 maksimal avgift Portefølje IQ (Managed Investing) Kostnaden varierer fra 8211 0,35 til 0,70 (minst 2,000 i eiendeler) Ny konto påmelding Prosessen med å åpne en konto online er bemerkelsesverdig intuitiv, smertefri og veldig rask (2 minutter for din generelle konto, tilgang til treningsplattformer, og fellesskapssamtale 20 minutter totalt for åpning av handelsregnskap). Du trenger ditt personnummer (SIN), bankkontoinformasjon og arbeidsgiveropplysninger (eller inntektskilde hvis du er arbeidsløs). Og selv om de har et alternativ for utskrift på Internett, anbefaler jeg på det sterkeste deres sikre onlineprosess i stedet fordi det reduserer antall innskrivningsfeil og lesbarhetsproblemer, og støtter DocuSign for online signeringsprosessen. Bruk Offer Code: Canada for å motta 50 i Free Trades fra Questrade. Registrering av startside Kontoseleksjonsavtaler En av de første tingene du må gjøre når du registrerer deg, er å opprette en bruker-ID og et passord for den nye kontoen din. I tidligere dager hadde Questrade en automatisert prosess som genererte og sendte dette passordet, og sammen med e-postadressen din som primær påloggingsinformasjon. Denne gamle måten ble et potensielt sårbarhet, og så endret de heldigvis det tilbake i 2011 til det de har nå. Fordelen ved å skape din egen bruker-ID og passord gjør det også mye mer praktisk å gå tilbake til en ufullstendig applikasjon på et senere tidspunkt. Sessions time out etter 30 minutters inaktivitet gir deg god tid til å samle inn nødvendige dokumenter og legitimasjonsbeskrivelser, og gjennomgå dine innlagte detaljer. Questrade tilbyr to samlinger av kontoer: Selvstyrt og Managed Investing. Hvis du vil ha full kontroll over kontoen din, er selvstyrt for deg. For de som ønsker en profesjonelt forvaltet tilnærming håndteres av et virkelig stab (Questrade Wealth Management-divisjon) bak kulissene som nøye vurderer dine personlige mål og risikotoleranse for å matche, administrere, overvåke og justere for de beste investeringene uten ditt daglige engasjement da klarte det å investere (kjent som Portfolio IQ under Questrade8217s leksikon) er det beste alternativet. Imidlertid, i motsetning til selvstyrt, kommer Portfolio IQ til en pris 8212 et 14 år minimum administrasjonsgebyr. Etter min mening er selvregistrert alt som noen gang trenger å tenke på hvordan å gjøre informerte investeringsbeslutninger er ganske enkle for selv nykommere i disse dager, og for å sammensatte på dette, har selvregistrerte kontoer ingen gebyrer (utenfor den vanlige handelskommisjonen) knyttet til dem ulikt deres klarte å investere fettere. I8217ll går i dybden på deres forvaltede investeringstilbud i et senere avsnitt. Etter at du har registrert deg online (don8217t glemmer å bruke Questrade-tilbudskoden under registreringen), kan du umiddelbart logge inn på din nye konto og ta en titt. For å aktivere kontoen din (for å begynne å handle), er det imidlertid nødvendig å foreta en innledende innskudd. 8212 selvregistrert: 1.000 for marginalkontoer, 1.000 USD for forex-kontoer (CAD innskudd konverteres automatisk til USD), 5.000 for handelstransaksjoner, 25.000 å skrive ut avdekket alternativer, og administrert investering (Portfolio IQ) krever minst en 1 innledende innskudd. Når denne innledende minimumsinnbetalingen har ryddet, sender e-postadressen en bekreftelsesmelding. For frakoblede applikasjoner vil du bli kontaktet av en representant som bekrefter at handel kan begynne. Det tar 1-3 virkedager fra å registrere deg for kontoen din for å begynne å handle. Den lengste delen av prosessen venter på at midlene skal mottas og behandles av Questrade. Når alt er på vei, er det viktig å opprettholde en minimumsbalanse på 250 for å holde din aktive konto i god stand. Questrade støtter flere metoder for å finansiere kontoen din, inkludert EFT (fra CAD bankkontoer), overføringer, sjekker, forhåndsgodkjente innskudd, postanvisninger, utkast, lagerbevis, overføringer fra megler til megler og fra andre eksisterende Questrade-kontoer (under navnet ditt). Det skal bemerkes selv om du ikke kan bruke EFT-metoden til å sende USD til din Questrade-konto. Det motsatte er mulig der du kan trekke USD-midler til en USD-bankkonto (de krever en ugyldig sjekk eller et forhåndsgodkjent innskuddsavtale-skjema signert og stemplet av banken). For å deponere USD kan du opprette en forhåndsgodkjent innskuddsavtale med Questrade som tar omtrent 1-5 virkedager, eller sende et sertifisert chequebank-utkast til kontoret, eller overfør USD-midlene direkte til kontoen din. Alternativt kan du også konvertere din eksisterende CAD-saldo (i din konto) til USD ved hjelp av Exchange Funds-verktøyet (funnet under Forespørsler), som kan ta opptil 24 timer å behandle, eller dra nytte av Norbert8217s Gambit (vellykkede konverteringer er bekreftet) . Finansiering av marginen din (eller annen ikke-registrert) konto av en hvilken som helst valuta type vil automatisk bli plassert i en underkonto (mer om underkontoer senere) av samme type (de utfører ikke automatiske konverteringer 8212 du må utføre forespørselen på din egen). Elektroniske uttak tar omtrent 3 virkedager å behandle og komme inn på en bankkonto. Et interessant relatert notat er at Questrade fortsetter å være den eneste meglerhuset i Canada for å tillate at to-valuta (CAD og USD) holdes samtidig innenfor registrerte kontoer (dvs. RRSP, RESP, TFSA, LIRA, RIF, LIF) som i og i seg selv vil spare en enorm sum penger fra unødvendige konverteringsgebyrer. Vær oppmerksom på at Questrade rullet ut en subtil men viktig revisjon av sin inaktivitetsavgiftspolicy. It8217 er egentlig ikke så ille når du leser detaljene. Hvis noe er det ganske rimelig. Som kjent har Questrade ikke belastet en inaktivitetsavgift, men denne policyjusteringen kan muligens kreve 24,95 (ingen skatt) per kalenderkvartal. Hvis du imidlertid lager minst en provisjonshandel per kvartal (en gang hver tredje måned), vil du ikke bli belastet noen inaktivitetsavgift i det hele tatt. Hvis du er inaktiv for et kvartal og ikke får betalt denne avgiften, men så gå om å gjøre minst en handel i det følgende kvartalet, vil du motta opptil 24,95 i provisjonsfrie handler. Velgørenhets - og valutakontoer, personer 25 år eller yngre, samt eventuelle nye kontoer åpnet for bare 6 måneder, er unntatt fra denne avgiften (du blir ikke belastet for å være inaktiv). Dessuten er alle kunder i Questrade og husholdninger med samme fysiske adresse, med samlede aksjer på minst 5000, unntatt. For de fleste investorer er denne endringen trivial siden deres eiendeler nesten alltid er over 5000, og det vil aldri bli belastet denne inaktivitetsavgiften. Som jeg påpekte tidligere tror jeg at denne endringen er helt rimelig og fortsatt miles bedre enn alle andre rabattmeglerhusene som ikke bare belaster en inaktivitetsavgift, uten unntak, de gjør det oftere (hver måned) og takler utallige skjulte avgifter hvilken Questrade gjør det ikke. Medlemsinnlogging Din konto8217s primære klientkontrolportal er kjent som Questrade Account (alternativt, noen liker å kalle det myQuestrade) og ganske enkelt sagt, det er en vakker opplevelse med godt gjennomtenkt organisasjon og visuell appell. Noen legger mye kjærlighet til dette området 8212, og gir en konsistent, fullverdig og responsiv opplevelse, tilgjengelig på smarttelefoner, tabletter, bærbare datamaskiner og stasjonære datamaskiner. Denne portalen integrerer fullt ut handels - og kontoadministrasjon, og gir svært umiddelbar tilgang til buysell-verdipapirer, arbeid med forskningsverktøy, bruk av et travle bibliotek med partnerapps (og developer8217s API), se kontoaktiviteten din, analyser saldoer og posisjoner, administrer din personlige opplysninger, se påstander, foreta pengeoverføringer i kontoene dine, laste ned dokumentene dine, bytte CADUSD-valuta, ta bedriftens handling på aksjonærkommunikasjon, overfør posisjoner, åpne tilleggskontoer, hente skattekort, treningsalternativer og samhandle med verdipapirfond. Questrade Account Investment Sammendrag Mutual Fund Center Ved logg inn på kontoen din for første gang blir du bedt om å velge en standard hjemmebase. En hjemmebase er hvor du vil at Questrade skal plassere deg hver gang du logger inn. Du har valg mellom handelsplattform eller kontoadministrasjon. Selv om it8217 er en praktisk tidsbesparende, kan du hoppe mellom hver til enhver tid via en alltid synlig topp menylinje. Når you8217ve har gjort ditt valg, går Questrade deg gjennom en interaktiv brukerhåndbok om hvordan du bruker miljøet. Kontoer 8217er består av 10 numeriske siffer (for eksempel 12345678-90). Dette er et stort hopp fra sin alfanumeriske størrelse på 6 tegn før 2011, og det er derfor rapportert at noen eksterne banker stiller inn en grense på 8 tegn for betaltekontoer når du prøver å sende penger til Questrade. For å komme seg rundt dette trenger du bare å oppgi de første 8 sifrene i Questrade-kontoen din, og midlene kommer fremdeles med hell. Hvis du når som helst trenger hjelp på praktisk talt alt, kan du alltid bruke online Questrade Live Help-økten (vanligvis tilgjengelig fra toppen eller høyre side av Questrade8217s nettsted) 8212 operasjonelle på hverdager (unntatt helligdager) fra kl. 07.30. 8211 20:00 ET. Jeg har funnet ut at bruk av Live Help er mye raskere enn å kalle sine kontorer. Og etter å ha snakket med flere av deres onlinerepresentanter (de som behandler potensielle nye kontoer og andre som håndterer eksisterende kontoer), fant jeg at de var veldig informerte, profesjonelle og raske i deres svar. De alle tok også ekstra tid til å gi weblinker for videre lesing som var en fin bonus. Kontoaktivitetshistorikk Liggende under Rapporter er en rekke subkategorier som gir informasjon om handel og generell kontoaktivitet. Noen av disse underkategorier inkluderer: Investeringsoppsummering (bildet ovenfor), Investeringsavkastning. Kontoaktivitet. Uttalelser. Handelsbekreftelser. og skattekort. Da Questrade gjorde betydelige endringer i brukergrensesnittet tilbake i 2011, flyttet de i virkeligheten all handelsaktivitetshistorie til klientportalen. Dette er en veldig velkommen endring, fordi tidligere var all handelsaktivitetshistorie levert av et tredjeparts clearinghouse selskap kalt Penson Financial Services, og du måtte bruke et helt annet nettsted og et annet sett med påloggingsinformasjon for å få tilgang til denne informasjonen. Heldigvis er disse dagene lenge, og du kan nå få en liste over alle dine investeringer (aksjer, midler, obligasjoner osv.), Nåværende kontanter og posisjoner (i CAD og USD), total egenkapital, kjøpekraft og mer alt innen en plassering. Handelshistorikken opprettholdes i 36 måneder mens eStatements, generert månedlig, lagres i 7 år. Skatteregler (for eksempel T3, T5, T5008) er også tilgjengelige elektronisk for hvert år. Handelsbekreftelseserklæringer Kontoaktivitet Selv om Questrade8217s Handelsbekreftelsesdatabase hevder å bære handelsdetaljer som går tilbake til 1. januar 2009, fant vi ut at aktivitet gjort før 4. februar 2011 krever at medlemmer besøker det gamle Penson-nettstedet. Og at de interesserte ville trenge å ha sin gamle 6-tegn Questrade konto (e), fordi Penson-siden ikke vet noe om de eksisterende 10-tegns konto representasjonene. Her ser du en rask titt på hvordan Penson Trade-aktivitetsområdet ser ut. Handelsaktivitet (frem til februar 2011) Som nevnt ovenfor er dette Penson-nettstedet bare relevant for eksisterende Questrade-medlemmer som ønsker å få tilgang til arkivert handelsaktivitet før februar 2011. Alle nye medlemmer kan ignorere det jeg nettopp sa og hoppe over til neste avsnitt. Men for de som er interessert i Questrade8217s kronologiske historie 8212 som nevnt og visuelt sett over 8212 var handelsaktivitet outsourcet, og som sådan var den første merkbare forskjellen at webgrensesnittet var helt annerledes og svært bak i tiden. På den tiden var det fortsatt svært overraskende at med Questrades ferdighetssett og ønske om å tilby en ren og vennlig brukeropplevelse på sitt hovednettdomene at de ikke trodde det var nødvendig å ponere opp kontanter til å inneholde disse kontoaktivitetene, hadde motivasjon til å be om API-programmer fra nettstasjoner fra Penson, noe som gir dem fri hudfrihet over den opprinnelige Penson-opplevelsen. Selv om detaljene holdt i Penson var omfattende var det rotete og forvirrende. Handels - og avregningsdatabalansen tok 24 timer å gjenspeiles i historien, det samme var sant med kjøpekraft som ble oppdatert en gang i begynnelsen av hver dag. Det meste av det som ble funnet på dette gamle Penson-nettstedet, er nå integrert i Questrade handelsplattformer, diskutert senere. Questrade margin kontoer (for aksjer amp options trading) består av to underkontoer 8212 en for kanadiske midler, den andre for amerikanske midler. Dette er veldig praktisk fordi det reduserer unødvendige konverteringspriser ved handel med amerikanske instrumenter. Så forblir transaksjoner på amerikansk egenkapital som USD i motsetning til de fleste andre meglerfirmaer som vil foreta konverteringer tilbake til CAD med en gang. For eksempel vil Questrade-saker som amerikanske utbytteinntekter fra amerikanske handlede aksjer forbli som USD og automatisk bli deponert i din amerikanske underkonto. Midler kan flyttes mellom underkontoer ved hjelp av Questrade8217s Exchange Funds-funksjonen, men bare vær oppmerksom på at dette vil innebære en konvertering basert på spotrenten ved avslutningen av markedet i Toronto pluss et spredningsgebyr (1,99 for både margin og registrerte kontoer hvis totalt egenkapitalen overstiger 100K dette faller til 1,70 for margin og 1,00 for registrert). En bedre tilnærming for å konvertere mellom USDCAD, ville imidlertid være å bruke Norbert8217s Gambit-teknikken fordi den nesten eliminerer valutakursavgifter (det innebærer å bruke tickers DLR. TO, DLR. U.TO og journaling over dine beholdninger til den ene eller den andre) . Questrade oppfordrer oppmuntrende viewdownloadingprinting av tidligere månedserklæringer (som pdf-filer) gjort tilgjengelig i Questrade8217s klientportal for all kontoaktivitet uten kostnad. Men for de som fortsatt insisterer på utskrevne papirerklæringer, kan de gjøre det på en heftig 20-setning som kan bli bedt om ved å kontakte dem direkte via telefon eller via Live Help. Og, som et praktisk notat, sendes ofte aksjeselskapskommunikasjon via vanlig post. Gjennom bruk av den gratis InvestorDelivery-tjenesten kan du sette opp for å motta alle dine investor korrespondanse elektronisk, hvis du ønsker det. Handelsplattformer Og så begynner en ny epoke i handelsplatformene for Questrade. Så lenge vi kan huske, hadde Questrade chugging sammen med deres dyktige, men aldrende plattformer: QuestraderWEB, QuestraderELITE og QuestraderPRO. Selv om QuestraderWEB hadde blitt renovert betydelig, hadde alle tre vært villdyr i godt over 10 år. De oppførte seg ganske bra i sin egen rett, men hadde ikke holdt opp med tiden som var tydelig med tilbudene på andre rabattmeglerhus. Questrade markerte et nytt kapittel med introduksjonen av Questrade IQ-pakken. Questrade har gjort mye arbeid bak kulissene for å revolusjonere sin investor8217s handelserfaring. Da de ga ut en helt ny layout for Questrade Account-klientportalen, kunne man ikke hjelpe, men hodestøt og lure på hvorfor deres handelsplattformer aldri mottok den samme behandlingen. Vel, svaret can8217t være tydeligere: de ble oppdatert også 8212 det tok bare en stund. Epiphany var klar over at det var forvirrende å ha tre separate desktop trading plattformer, og så valgte de å pensjonere alle tre til fordel for en enkelt, mer moderne handelsplattform kjent som Questrade IQ. Questrade IQ er en suite bestående av tre smaker: Questrade Trading. en fullstendig funksjonell nettbasert handelsplattform (for WindowsMacsLinux-brukere på Google Chrome 52, Firefox 48, Safari 9 for Mac-brukere, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge) Questrade IQ Edge. en strømlinjeformet skrivebordsbasert handelsplattform (for Windows 78.110, MacOS 10) og Questrade IQ Mobile. deres første mobile aktør innen handel (for iPhoneiPod Touch iOS 6 og Android OS 4.1). Hele denne samlingen er gratis for alle medlemmer og inkluderer snap quote live CanadianU. S. streaming nivå 1 data, forskningsverktøy for grunnleggende og teknisk analyse, en kartleggingspakke og mer. Noen ganger kan markedsdata bli forsinket (opptil 15 minutter), og når dette skjer, vises et søtt klokkeikon på skjermen for å gi deg beskjed om streamingavhengingen. Og selv om det blir gjort tilgjengelig gratis, kan disse plattformene oppgraderes for å inkludere en av tre datapakker eller legge til agrave la carte-feeder. Nå, let8217s tar en nærmere titt på hver av disse unike plattformene og hva de har å tilby. Questrade Trading Questrade IQ Edge Questrade IQ Mobile Questrade Trading, er en pluginfri web-tilgjengelig plattform bygget på HTML5 og er designet for å være tilgjengelig på nesten hvilken som helst enhet. Den er smidig integrert i Questrade-kontoportalen og kan nås via handelsknappen øverst på menylinjen. Det kan til og med bli satt opp til hjemmebase når du logger inn. Questrade Trading er veldig funksjonell og fungerer som den primære gateway-plattformen for de fleste brukere hele tradingopplevelsen. Det fungerer også som Questrade8217s svar for de som, av en eller annen grunn, kanskje ikke har tilgang til (eller være kompatibel med) IQ Mobile eller IQ Edge. Dette ville være det perfekte valget for Linux desktop-brukere eller den stadig voksende tilstedeværelsen av tabletter. Fordi det er en fullstendig kompatibel HTML5-nettleserbasert responsiv opplevelse, i motsetning til de andre, krever det ikke en nedlasting eller en tredjeparts tillegg til å være fullt funksjonell. Å ta en tur med denne plattformen var en utrolig frigjørende opplevelse 8212, en utmerket sammenblanding av kraft og brukervennlighet. Det introduserer begrepet Gadgets i plattform leksikonet. En gadget er et ordnet brukerdefinert vindu med utsikt til dine handelsmarkedsdetaljer. Gadgets inkluderer, men er ikke begrenset til: Aktivitet (en loggviser), Saldoer, Tid og salg (nåværende global aktivitet på en aksje), Nivå 1-tilbud, Nivå 2-tilbud (hvis du har betalt for dette tillegget), Nyheter, Ordrer, Diagrammer, Posisjonsoversikt og Watch List. Questrade Trading var overraskende lynrask og lydhør i hver nettleser vi testet. Minne - og CPU-bruk av fotavtrykk var forbløffende liten til tross for dybden av alternativer, aktivitet og funksjonalitet den måtte tilby. Økter don8217t ser ut til å ha noen tidsbegrensning uten aktivitet. En god bonusfunksjon i denne plattformen var å kunne starte en handelsoppgave på en enhet (for eksempel en hjemmekomponent) og deretter enkelt skifte til en annen enhet (for eksempel smarttelefon eller nettbrett) for å fullføre den. Dette er et uvurderlig lite tillegg fordi det kan tillate en å nøye konstruere lange handelsprosedyrer, samtidig som det tillater fri bevegelse under opptatte tidsplaner. I motsetning til sin IQ Edge-fetter, kan Questrade Trading imidlertid ikke endre sitt farge tema utseende 8212 it8217s alltid i et lett tema. På plussiden skjønner imidlertid eventuelle tilpassede endringer du gjør i oppsettet automatisk og gjenopprettes hvis du forlater og går tilbake til plattformen. Bemerkelsesverdige forskjeller mellom denne plattformen og resten av familien inkluderer mangelen på multi-ben-opsjonsordrer, ingen varsler, og heller ikke arbeidsområder med forsterker. Hvis du ønsker å bruke en eller flere av disse manglende funksjonene, bør du velge IQ Edge i stedet. Layout 8211 Handelsplattform Balanser 8211 Handelsplattform Aktivitet 8211 Handelsplattform Questrade IQ Edge er den store gutten i denne pakken. Den kommer bare som en installasjonsbasert PC-applikasjon (eller Mac) som er utviklet spesielt for aktive og profesjonelle forhandlere. IQ Edge tillater en ubegrenset mengde arbeidsområder (Questrade Trading tillater bare en). Et arbeidsområde er et skjermområde som gjør det mulig å åpne og tilpasse et nytt sett med gadgets eller vinduer for en bestemt hensikt som passer til en handelsmiljøstil. Flere lettflytte arbeidsområder er en verdifull ressurs for aktive handelsfolk. Den andre store forskjellen mellom IQ Edge og Questrade Trading er at IQ Edge tilbyr en mer avansert rekke alternativer for ordreoppføringer: betingede ordrer (f. eks. Utløser bestillinger til en bestemt tid, pris eller volum automatisk), brakettordrer, mer omfattende varsler, flere bestillingsvinduer, varslingsmeldinger når noe er kjøpt eller solgt, og muligheten til å bestille anonymt. Det er også noen få subtile forskjeller. IQ Edge tillater omfattende gadget tilpassing som tar dem langt utover det som er mulig i Questrade Trading. Imidlertid er de fleste av disse tilpassbare funksjonene visuelle (for eksempel flyt, pin, dra-slipp, endre størrelse, farger, blink tekst) det avhenger av gadgeten. Nysgjerrig har gadgets don8217t en snap-to-funksjon i IQ Edge, og de automatiserer ikke automatisk når hovedprogramvinduet endres. Det var litt ubeleilig, men ikke en avtalebryter fordi de fleste bare plasserer sine gadgets på et bestemt sted og opprettholder programvinduet med en bestemt størrelse. Interessant er at noen gadget tilpasning du lager i IQ Edge, ikke overføres til Questrade Trading (forutsatt at samme gadget eksisterer), og omvendt. Imidlertid blir tickersymboler og tilhørende data inne i gadgets (for eksempel varsler) riktig vedlikeholdt og overføres mellom webdesktop-miljøer. IQ Edge farge temaer spenner fra mørk (standard), lys og himmelsblå. En ekstra allure av IQ Edge er at det gir en næringsdrivende den følelsen av trøst å vite at deres platform8217s handelsaktivitet ikke vil bli forsinket eller oppleve hikke som det kan være tilfelle hvis du bruker en nettleser. IQ Edge ble skrevet fra grunnen ved hjelp av optimalisert C-kode og distribuert til IntelAMD-prosessorer, og sikrer den raskeste responsen til de mest dristige aktive handelsmenn. Dessverre, når dette skrives, finnes det ingen 64-biters versjon for IQ Edge på PCen. For Mac-er er det native 64-bit. Den vil fortsatt kjøre normalt på 64-biters Windows-systemer, det vinner bare så effektivt som mulig. Here8217s håper at i en nær fremtid vil en optimalisert 64-biters Windows-versjon av IQ Edge bli gjort tilgjengelig. Layout 8211 IQ Edge Charts 8211 IQ Edge Order Entry 8211 IQ Edge Og nå skifter vi vår oppmerksomhet mot Questrades andre viktige plattform: Questrade IQ Mobile 8212 deres svært enkle, meget dyktige mobile handelsplattform. Opererer hvor som helst når som helst, denne appen er tilgjengelig for iOS (iPhone og iPad) og Android-enheter fra deres respektive appbutikker. Questrade hadde opprinnelig planlagt å lansere en lignende versjon for Windows Phone og Blackberry, men forståelig nok, på grunn av deres svakere markethares ble ideen skrubbet sent i utviklingssyklusen. Som sådan må disse enhetene bruke nettleserbasert alternativ: Questrade Trading. Vi fant at IQ Mobile8217s funksjonssett er nesten identisk med deres Questrade Trading-plattform, med innlemmede visuelle tweaks for å bedre passe til bærbar enhet. It8217 er alle her, inkludert forskningsverktøy, diagrammer, opsjonshandel og nivå 2-data. Du kan til og med utføre kontoadministrasjonshandlinger direkte i appen. Den visuelle utformingen og organisasjonen av funksjonene er veldig gjennomtenkt. Vi var i stand til å navigere og bruke appen med ekstremt enkelhet. Selv om de beleilig gir et interaktivt hjelpeværktøy i appen vi fant var det lite behov for det fordi alt bare gjorde mening. Etter å ha brukt denne plattformen i flere dager, er it8217s klar for oss. Questrade tar sikte på å gjøre IQ Mobile så funksjonell som IQ Edge over tid. Det er ingen tvil om at dette er en integrert komponent til Questrade, og er muligens den viktigste av hele pakken når det gjelder langsiktig vekst siden de fleste vil fortsette å se på telefonene sine (og andre bærbare enheter) som deres primære knutepunkt til markedene. Så jeg er sikker på at dette vil bli møtt med overjoyed smil av aktive handelsfolk som har lengtet etter å være mer fullstendig ujakket fra deres IQ Edge-skrivebord. På farten er det her for å være så det er bare en logisk forstand at Questrade vil fortsette sin trend med å integrere mer Edge-like whiz-bang-funksjonalitet i IQ Mobile, sikkert å skyve det langt utover sin nettbaserte søsken. Håpet er imidlertid at Questrade forsiktig vil gå rundt med mobilitetsstrammingen ved å opprettholde app8217s unike, brukervennlige intuitivitet for å sikre masse appell, mens den fortsatt inneholder mer sofistikering for å holde sin aktive handelsbefolkning glad og samtidig pleie en ny generasjon av på farten investorer som nå vil få tilgang til et voksende verktøysett med avanserte evner som deres selvtillit og porteføljer vokser. Sitat 8211 IQ Mobile Options 8211 IQ Mobile Level 2 Data 8211 IQ Mobile Utvilsomt er denne nye trading platform suite et kjempe sprang i riktig retning for Questrade. Samlingen omfatter alt QuestraderWEB, QuestraderPRO, og QuestraderELITE (deres nå-defunct eldre handelsplattformer) hadde og noen. Og denne pakken gjør det på den mest intuitive, omfattende måten. Ved å ta det dristige trinnet for å pensjonere sine eldre plattformer ved å erstatte dem med et smidig neste generasjons handelsmiljø, er et tegn på at Questrade bryr seg dypt om å gi den beste opplevelsen til den uformelle handelsmannen og krevende aktiv bruker. Interestingly, upon further investigation we found that new releases for this suite is always consistent and swift 8212 a major new release occurs every month 8212 bringing with it a slew of enhancements and bug fixes, based on direct user feedback of their online community discussion forum: The Exchange . A few other unique features which I am surprised other brokerages have not yet duplicated is, firstly, the clever partnerships Questrade has with third party websites (e. g. iShares ETFs) 8212 providing one-click Buy Now buttons across the web 8212 permitting on the fly quick trades that whisk the buyer back into the IQ platform to complete the pre-filled order ticket. And secondly, a feature called Margin Power (for self-directed accounts) which, by its name, gives you a clue on at what it does. By linking your existing TFSA account to your margin account it increases your buying power within your margin account by leveraging the assets you already hold in your TFSA making it enormously convenient to enter new positions without requiring a transfer of new cash or selling existing securities. Both features are wonderfully handy The long requested single sign-on feature is now available for Questrade members. You now use one user ID and password to access the trading platform, Questrade Account, and the Exchange. This saves a tremendous amount of time because in the past Questrade had originally required at least three different sign-on credentials to access each of their trading landscapes, and so to no surprise this was a heavily requested feature. We welcome its addition. To get a better feel of what Questrade IQ has to offer here is a collection of video tutorials overviewing this trading platform8217s most common features. Videos 8211 Trading Platform Videos 8211 IQ Edge Videos 8211 IQ Mobile Although we briefly mentioned in passing their older predecessor platforms, to give you a better sense of who Questrade is and how much they8217ve improved, what follows are images of their previous generation trading platforms. Prior to IQ, Questrade offered a few other trading platforms for stocks and options: QuestraderWEB, QuestraderPRO, and QuestraderELITE. QuestraderWEB was their web-based application with a very pretty and intuitive user interface. It was Questrade8217s only free platform and required the Java plugin within your browser to function correctly. QuestraderPRO and QuestraderELITE were desktop applications requiring a monthly subscription fee. QuestraderWEB QuestraderPRO ELITE A little note on exchange and ECN fees. These are the fees Questrade is forced to charge you when you make a transaction that removes liquidity from the market (i. e. buying at the ask or selling at the bid). Although these fees translate to mere pennies for most traders one can avoid paying them altogether by executing transactions as a limit (or stop) order at the bidask instead of as a market order request. For U. S. stocks you can also send orders to non-direct access ECN networks (LAMP, MNGD, or POST) to avoid these fees. Most people will sign-up for the standard marginal account which gives you access to borrow funds at an amount more than your current cash balance. This extended buying power ability is very useful and can come in handy when you need to jump on market opportunities. Assuming you8217ve bought on margin and haven8217t settled your stocks after 3 days of the purchase the margin interest rate is prime 2.5 which is inline with most brokerages. One of the selling points Questrade likes to bring up is that for mutual funds they will rebate the trailer fees. They call this their Mutual Fund Maximizer. Trailer fees are commissions by fund management companies paid to your brokerage house for being the retailer that sold you your fund(s). This commission is an ongoing source of revenue for your brokerage as long as you keep holding onto those fund(s). You don8217t see this fee because it is part of the MER of the fund. So Questrade is willing to rebate this fee back to you each quarter. But there8217s a catch. You need a minimum of 36,000 in mutual fund holdings to be eligible for this rebate. The reasoning is simple. There is a processing fee of 29.95month so the rebates will start paying back if your mutual fund holdings is worth more than 36,000 (based on a 1 trailer fee). Portfolio IQ (Managed Investing) Self-directed investment empowerment (aka DIY trading) is offered by virtually all discount brokerages and has been a popular preference by the general public due to the myriad of easy-to-use tools and support made available to an investor desiring to control every aspect of their interests. With this style of investing customers have always been able to sculpt their own investment strategy, define their portfolio, buy and sell securities, and more. However, there is another option. For those with very little time while continuing to carry big investment ambitions Questrade introduced Portfolio IQ, the alternative to self-directed investing. Really known as managed investing, Portfolio IQ takes away the stress of investment decision making and puts them in the hands of portfolio managers of their Questrade Wealth Management division. Who doesn8217t want to take it easy and watch their money grow towards financial independence with little effort It8217s a dream come true The difficult part with that dream is figuring out how exactly to do that. This is where Portfolio IQ comes to the rescue. Becoming Canada8217s first online wealth management service, Portfolio IQ debuted as a definitive market disrupter by making managed investing accessible to everyone. Traditionally, managed investing has been an exclusive club for the uber-rich but Questrade, keeping to its roots of bringing all things restrictive to the masses, decided to do away with convention. Opening a Portfolio IQ account is straight-forward and only requires 1. As an extra bonus, this review8217s Questrade offer code can also be used when opening this type of account. Once open you8217re taken through a simple-to-use point-and-click questionnaire to set up an investor biography that identifies your risk tolerance, existing financial circumstances, market knowledge, and investment ambitions all of which is used to better crystallize the best portfolio for you. What8217s also great is that if your goals change then you can return and adjust your bio to keep things in balance, which will automatically update your underlying portfolio model accordingly. All the portfolios deal exclusively in ETFs (composed of a mix of various sectors, markets, and countries) and come in 5 flavors: With the added benefit of taking full advantage of tax-loss harvesting and providing a last quarter management fee refund guarantee if not fully satisfied for any reason, Portfolio IQ is an extraordinary entrant into the managed investing arena and has that perfect resonating mix all investors, big and small, crave when they daydream of an unshackled financial tomorrow. IPO Centre Participating in initial public offerings (IPO), secondary issues (additional sharesbonds offered by a public company), and structured products has always been the holy grail for many investors since the incredible euphoric frenzy of the 1990s internet IPO boom. Historically, because first issues usually tick up on first day closings it8217s logically understandable why so many want in 8212 it8217s a quick way to make an easy buck However, due to the natural laws of supply and demand interest in these new issues almost always outstrip the quantity made available and therefore only insiders, well-connected bigwigs, and the very rich are usually the only ones who have access to them nepotism and cronyism at its undemocratic finest. For generations the general public has had little access to IPOs. There was a brief moment in time when Wit Capital, an internet startup of the 90s, briefly unlocked this secret world, but it was short-lived. Questrade became one of the new Canadian trailblazers to usher in a sledgehammer back into this world for the masses. The Questrade IPO Centre, showcasing mostly Canadian equity, fixed income, and structured products, list newly available issues and previous offerings (for historic analysis). Their respective facts, investor summary, terms, and preliminary prospectus are also readily accessible. For instant notification of newly announced IPOs and secondary issues clients are encouraged to subscribe to the IPO Bulletin. Independent testing revealed that notifications were indeed right away. The centre is reachable on the desktoplaptops. smartphones, and tablets. When you see an IPO or other new issue you like, it8217s a simple click, tap, or a trade desk call away to express interest. An expression of interest makes Questrade aware you are putting in a commitment to buy a number of shares. However, this does not guarantee you will actually get any or all of the shares you8217ve requested. If a client places an expression of interest on the website, the trade desk will contact the client to confirm the order within an hour (rare cases may take up to 24 hours). There is a 5,000 minimum requested amount for submitting an IPO order. Some companies going public may even ask for an amount over and above this, but the majority of the time it won8217t be above the 5,000 Questrade minimum. Once the order is confirmed Questrade passes along the interest to the offering8217s underwriter. Although not possible right now, soon clients will be able to submit their expression of interest through the trading platform to reduce wait time and eliminate the need for a Questrade representative call-back to confirm the order. Cancelling an interest request can be made within two business days (this may vary depending on the province) after receipt or deemed receipt of a prospectus and any amendment (found at the online centre). All IPO and secondary offering purchases are commission free. Processing time for orders can vary but usually it takes around 3 weeks from when the underwriters first launch the IPO and when the offering closes. For some secondary offerings and preferred treasury shares times can be shorter. Once allocations from the underwriter are received Questrade informs clients via email or phone. Allocations, however, may be distributed on a pro-rata basis if an IPO is oversubscribed (the number of shares requested by all interested parties is greater than what Questrade received), and so, as mentioned earlier your original interest amount may not necessarily materialize to what you actually get. For example if Questrade receives a 50 allocation on their total order amount, they would then allocate 50 to their client8217s original order. Although the IPO Centre mostly has Canadian offerings, U. S. IPOs do show up from time-to-time as well. It8217s because of Canadian security regulations that U. S. and other foreign-based companies must file their prospectus in each province individually in order to be sold to residents of that particular province. Because many companies in the United States may feel that doing an IPO in Canada could be an added expense (e. g. listing fees, legal fees, French language requirements) and that domestic demand in the U. S. is enough to satisfy how much capital they want to raise, it8217s only logical that most offerings will be Canadian by nature. Interestingly, many international miningresource companies will choose to file a prospectus and raise money within Canada, and choose to be listed here as well. TSX has a very large mining focus in general. Registered accounts (e. g. RRSP, TFSA) are also eligible to hold the vast majority of IPOs and treasury offerings. However, some IPOs may not be eligible due to their companyoffering structure and how widely held it is. The centre is a very welcome sight and seems well positioned to grow into something incredibly special. Sadly, no word yet if and when Questrade will be issuing their very own company IPO When making trades one of the primary concerns held by most people is security. Like banks, most discount brokerage companies deploy different protection strategies to secure your account such as randomizing security questions, displaying pre-selected image captchas that only the account holder would know, two-step and two-factor verification, or even providing digital key devices which in conjunction with your secret password must be pressed to generate the final half of the login passcode each time. Questrade8217s security measures have improved dramatically over the years. For example, upon sign-up for a new account you are required to create a user ID, password, and set up a few security questions. User ID8217s are required to be 8-20 characters long while passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and include an uppercase, lowercase, and numerical (or symbolic) character. Although this seems like a standard approach across the web this is actually new and a big improvement for Questrade. They also now include extra verification steps such as when you attempt to log in to your account from an unrecognized system you are prompted with one of your security questions. An optional PIN can also be setup to help you get faster service when calling in. Security advice is made available outlining how to protect yourself by taking precautionary steps like using anti-virus software to keep your computer clean. Interestingly, they have made the extra effort by partnering with Symantec, using Norton Anti-virus to continuously scanmonitor their own internal files, ensuring your investments and privacy on their end are secure. Questrade was also one of the few discount brokerage firms that were not affected by the Heart Bleed Bug 8212 they were protected all this time. Although they don8217t have security guarantees against intruders breaching accounts on your end, if there is fraudulent activity and it8217s proven to be due to the negligence of Questrade they are in a position to cover your loss. Also note that Questrade is a CIPF member, and so Canadian investors are covered up to 1,000,000. Final Thoughts Reviews online are overwhelming negative towards Questrade. Prior to writing this review I decided to read many of these complaints so that I could be aware of and keep an eye out for any of these problems. I even took note on exact steps for some of these problems with hopes of recreating them. I had originally planned to share a collection of these complaints but seeing as how many of them might have already been resolved by Questrade I felt the company deserved another look before passing judgment. So after spending a number of days using their entire suite of online tools, making trades, and attempting to recreate customer complaints I can report back and say that I did not experience a single issue. My conclusion is that either Questrade had fixed several of these earlier problems or these complaints were from beginning traders who were not familiar with the platform nor company policies. Overall my experience with Questrade was a very pleasant one. Their 8220killer app8221, so to speak, is free (no commission charge) ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and that one can execute trades as low as 1cent per share (4.95 minimum) with no catch. It doesn8217t get any sweeter than that In rare instances I sometimes come across other brokerages offering promotionals at 4.95trade but when you dig deeper into their fine print it almost unequivocally is for 8220big fish8221 traders who must spend upwards of 100,000month in trading activity to be eligible for the 4.95 offer. Clearly not for the average consumer. Obviously this is not the case with Questrade. Questrade8217s low commission rate is so good it serves as an enticer to make more trades more often and not have to hesitate by attempting to time the market in hopes of covering commission costs. I am happy to see Questrade has made many brilliant enhancements over the years including, but not limited to, a unified single sign-on approach that provides a more consistent milieu. There are a few areas that can be improved such as full gadget settings retention across different trading platforms, but with such dramatic savings found among all their services it seems understandable that one can8217t always have everything. So I will give them a pass on that. Should you join Yes 8212 a resounding YES Questrade offers a remarkably rich tapestry of features well tailored for new investors and seasoned traders. For someone like me, as a casual trader, who has experienced headaches with other brokerage firms it8217s nice to finally find a good home at Questrade who doesn8217t play games nor charge exorbitant fees. Questrade fits my needs perfectly and helps unlock my potential as a growing investor. And at the end of the day isn8217t this what we really hope a respectable brokerage firm provides us Use Offer Code: Canada to receive 50 in Free Trades from Questrade when signing up for a new account. How to Invest in Kenyan Stocks Feature photo by Mutua Matheka Back in June, we looked at ways to invest on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange through US discount brokers. Some intrepid readers may now be wondering how to buy shares on Africa8217s smaller stock markets. Samuel Gichohi is a Senior Research Analyst at NIC Securities. a division of Kenyas NIC Bank (NICB:KN ). He generously agreed to help us navigate the process of opening a Kenyan brokerage account and to share his views on the best bargains currently on offer at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. The Nairobi Stock Exchange hasn8217t been a great performer the past few years. Why should investors be investing in Kenya now Samuel Gichohi: The Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) is currently a buyers market which presents foreign investors with massive bargain opportunities. This situation is a result of various factors that have converged to push stock prices to levels that are out of whack with the fundamentals on the ground. These factors include a weakening currency (which has finally begun to stabilize), escalating fuel prices, a surge in local liquidity prompted by heavy bank lending to the private sector, and food inflation caused by the regions persistent drought. The situation was further compounded by increased political uncertainty due to the MENA crisis and the trials at the Hague of individuals suspected of instigating violence in Kenya following the 2007 election. As a result, despite healthy turnover levels, stock prices have suffered over the last six months. Only 13 out of 48 active stocks trade above their year-end levels. But financial results for the 2010 fiscal year indicate that listed firms 8212 especially the financial sector companies enjoyed explosive bottom line growth. This trend continued in the first and second quarter of this year, which indicates that economic growth is still on course. Considering that a majority of stocks currently trade at PE ratios below their respective sector PE ratios, and that 15 of the 29 largest-cap companies offer dividend yields above 3, there is an obvious mismatch between stock prices and company fundamentals. This is bound to correct going forward. In my view, the NSE is an ideal frontier market. It offers foreign investors exposure to the Kenyan economy, and 8212 because many listed firms have expanded beyond Kenyas borders 8212 it also serves as an entry point to the regional economy. In the short term, foreign investors can capitalize by investing in the weak shilling and seek exit points as it strengthens against the US dollar. Lets suppose I am a US-based investor and want to buy shares of a Kenyan stock. How would I do so Can you walk me through the account-opening process SG: The investor would need to open an account with a local stockbroker who will in turn open a Central Depository and Settlement Corporation (CDSC) account for them. The CDSC account is where all tradable shares are held electronically. Account opening forms are typically available on stockbrokers websites. The potential investor would first fill the forms and attach scanned copies of a recent passport-size photo, a certified copy of their drivers license or passport, and a certified copy of a tax return or utility bill. After the broker receives the documentation the investors account will be activated and details will be communicated to them within one business day. At NIC, we suggest that the documents be scanned and emailed to us. The originals can follow later. How would I, as a US-based investor, place a buy or sell order through NIC Securities Do I just send you an email SG: If the investor would like to place buy and sell orders by email, they can complete the email indemnity form and submit a one-off processing fee of KES200 (USD 2.30). Otherwise, the investor can communicate their order to us and arrangements can be made to accommodate them as long as adequate security measures to facilitate proper identification are in place. What expenses are incurred when trading Kenyan stocks Can you give me a breakdown of the commission and fees SG: The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) regulated commissions for trades below KES100,000 (USD1,111) is 2.1 and 1.85 for trades above that amount. At NIC, lower commissions are negotiable depending on deal sizes. Do most Kenyan brokers have minimum amounts required to open a trading account To place a trade SG: At NIC Securities, opening a CDSC account is free and the minimum trade size is 100 shares of any counter. We, however, pride ourselves on having the capacity to handle very large trade sizes with very low turnaround times. How are dividends delivered to foreign investors Can they be deposited into my trading account SG: Dividends cannot be deposited into a trading account. This is a market regulation. However, dividends can be deposited directly into the clients bank account and arrangements can be made to reinvest the funds from there. Must an investor have a Kenyan bank account to collect dividends Or can they be wired to a US bank account SG: When opening a CDSC account the investor is required to indicate their dividend disposal preference which could also be to have the money wired to their foreign account. The concern for the investor would be that they would have to bear the cost for the electronic funds transfer. Having a local holding account to allow the dividends to accumulate before being wired to the foreign account would be a good idea. Most local banks have dollar denominated accounts and these can also be used to hold the dividends to take advantage of currency fluctuations. What sort of account reporting can an investor expect to receive Do brokers send a monthly statement of my cash and stock holdings SG: Brokers provide periodic and on demand statements which show the securities that an investor holds with that particular broker at any point in time. Total portfolio holdings (which can be held through more than one broker) will be sent via email to the investor by the CDSC every six months for dormant accounts, and at the end of any month in which there is any trading activity on the account. A couple Kenyan stockbrokers failed recently, are there now safeguards in place to protect investors and prevent similar events from happening again SG: A number of market reforms have taken place recently in an effort to protect investors funds. They have resulted in the introduction of an automated trading system, more stringent capitalization and disclosure requirements, the adoption of a standard stockbrokerage platform, and the eventual demutualization of the NSE. The minimum capitalization requirement has resulted in most of the smaller brokerage firms being acquired by banks. Investment banks which have not reached the KES250 Million capital threshold have been relegated to stock brokerage status, which requires a minimum capitalization of KES50 million. The government plans to increase the investor compensation fund and investors are being educated on how to identify and report fraudulent behavior. What is your favorite Kenyan stock right now SG: I have three favorites. First is Scangroup (SCAN:KN ). It is East Africas largest advertising holding company with an 80 market share. It faces no local competition, which enhances its ability to attract and retain the regions best talent. Being a listed company means it can also retain its top employees through stock options. In a human-capital intensive field such as advertising, this is extremely important. The companys 2010 results were affected by costs related to its acquisition of Ogilvy East Africa, a former competitor. We expect the merger to result in cost advantages going forward. Were also bullish on the company because competition in East Africas banking and telecoms industries is heating up. This will ensure higher ad-spends and thus more revenues for Scangroup. We expect annual profit growth north of 20 this year. It currently sells at a PE of 20, but we consider it undervalued because of growth opportunities. My second pick is Equity Bank (EQBNK:KN ). It is the fastest-growing bank in Kenya and boasts a market share of deposits that has grown from 1.7 in 2005 to 6.2 in 2009. The deposit growth has been driven by branch expansion 8212 particularly in Kenyas rural areas and by mobile phone banking. Equity Bank caters primarily to the SME and lower income segment with most loans being below KES100,000. This banking the unbanked model has yielded impressive results, evidenced by deposit growth of 44 during the first half of this year. Equity has also done an admirable job at containing costs and maintaining the quality of its loan book. Both of these factors should lead to improved margins. Finally, for the income investor, I like KenolKobil (KNOC:KN ), a downstream oil marketer with a skillful and motivated management team. The company is focused on growing its storage capacity and distributional efficiencies, which is imperative for survival in the Sub-Saharan African fuel-marketing industry. As competition increases and margins decline, the company will be able to take advantage of its scale economies. I also like that it is well diversified both geographically and in terms of its product range. The company has a heavy presence with over 400 service stations in East and Central Africa as well as Southern Africa. All this is backed by the additional effect of increasing property prices that could lead to significant profits when the company disposes of some of its non-core assets. The company is currently selling at a historical PE of 10 and a half-year dividend yield of 5. At the current price, the full year dividend yield will be approximately 10 with profit growth, and a dividend pay-out ratio of 40-45, the company is a cash cow. Do you have questions on how to invest on the Nairobi Stock Exchange If you do, share them in the comments. Want to Learn More Subscribe to our mailing list (it8217s free), and you8217ll join over 4600 other investors who get each new article delivered straight to their inbox. Samuel Gichohi says Hi Jalas Thanks for your query. As a minor you can invest on the NSE just like any other investor. Your parents or guardians will however be required to initiate any activity on the account until you reach the age of 19 years. the account will be opened as a joint account between the minor and the parentguardian. the minor will be required to provide a birth certificate and passport photo while the parentguardian will be required to meet all the KYC requirements by providing Certified copies of PassportID, Pin Certificate, Utility bill and Photo. they will also be required to sign the GTC and email indemnity forms to facilitate account opening and transactions. What is your take on Olympia Capital Holdings (OCH). It looks pretty cheap at Ksh. 3. I was thinking that since the housing market is at its peak, they might be selling lots of tiles. Khalid aluweny says I see a lot questions from people wanting to start investing and wondering how to go about it I think first you need to decide what sort of investor you want to be i. e. a)Defensivepassive or b) enterprisingactive. In simple terms you need to decide whether or not you have capacity and can put considerable effort (e. g. at least 6 hours a week) and intelligence to the task. This decision would be reflected in how you divide up your portfolio between shares and say, cash or bonds etc8230 Defensive investors use conservative methods, go for important, big, financially robust and entrenched companies8230 Enterprising investors are virtually free to search for value wherever they can find it and use more aggressive methods. Naturally the enterprising investor requires a higher return for his intelligent effort. Read Intelligent Investor for more on this perspective on investing. Then you simply need to understand the businesses you invest in and treat your operations for profit as a traditional businessman would 8211 be sure of a profit before you go in absent promises or prospects and this goes to the price you pay. Research as much you can about the business, management, competitors, customers, etc looking for items that may impair future business, competitive advantages, etc. I would personally discourage non-professionals from selecting individual companies and instead focus on group buys e. g. look for say 15-30 companies selling for less than their working capital net of total liabilities with conservative capital structures and of stable character. Alternatively, just go for high dividend yield and high asset backing for the shares. Excellent comment, Ray. If you8217re going to invest heavily in individual stocks, take the time to get to know that company8217s operations intimately. If you are unable to commit the time and energy to this, it is best to diversify across a large number of stocks (preferably through an index fund) and hold them for the long-term. I just opened my CDSC account last month with equity bank online and must say your article and the comments thread along it has been of greatest help and encouragement . I started with a little capital and I can see myself putting more funds in the near future into the whole business. Currently am trading 8220penny stock8221 and am doing good. Tomorrow 29th Monday June 2015 am offloading Mumias sugar shares hoping it will be not less than Ksh.2.5share, I bought the shares at 1.65 share earlier in the month. for 12800 shares, I would have made some good cash there. Thanks for your article. Ryan Hoover says Glad to hear it, Smada Congrats on the Mumias gain. Be careful with penny stocks, however, as they can also move quickly in the wrong direction. How was the account opening process at Equity Bank Online Would you recommend them to other investors Berbetto Nyamwamu says From your short post, it is difficult to establish the exact issue on which you would like to receive advice. Generally though, trading on the stock market involves high risk and potentially high returns. A trader with the right information and analysis is likely to perform better than another who gambles his way about the market. One8217s portfolio size, willingness and ability to take risks, liquidity, time horizon and other circumstances will also play a role in determining one8217s optimal mix of shares. Write to Ashanti Research (you can find our contacts online via a Google search) and we would be happy to give advice, or even better, set up a stock portfolio up for you. yuri james kihato says Mr livigu share trading is adouble edged sword or fire it can hurt or help you the trick is always to gather inteligence before investing also learn to exit and enter at the right moment. statistics like daily turnover, total demand and supply should be in your mind finally no one get experience free of charge take risk but calculated one. Hi Ryan, I8217m Kenyan and looking to get some advice on how to read the market when it comes to short term investments. How do you make a good decision or rather what are the factors to look at or for when investing in the stock exchange I find short-term investing extremely difficult because of the stock market8217s volatility. It8217s nearly impossible to predict with any degree of consistency whether a given stock will be up or down over a period of a week or two. That8217s why I tend to look for good companies trading at a fair price and hold on to them for a year or more. This gives the management of the business enough time to execute on their strategy and for the market to recognize their success (or failure). How do you spot a company trading at a fair price One rule of thumb is to look at a companies annualized earnings growth rate over the past five years. If this rate is higher than the stock8217s PE ratio, you may have identified a bargain. But don8217t stop there. Research the company further. What8217s the reason it might be trading so cheaply If you can8217t find a reason and you feel like you understand how the business operates, buy the stock and give it some time to run. Happy investing Ryan Hello, Ryan. I can see you give good stock exchange tips. Do you happen to know which companies will show good sales this fall Or should I ask my broker I would like to know from real clients who are spending their money and who have had success. Is investing for a 5-year period something that someone can rely on or is it a matter of gambling with the period I8217d like to know more about how these things work. I have invested in some shares right now, and I am just not sure what if I should be looking to buy something else. Regards, Adhis Just curious if you knew whether dividends can be automatically reinvested in those respective stock holdings rather than having to get paid out into a checking account or wired to a foreign bank account Matt Avery says That8217s great to hear, Jack. First, you will want to make sure that you invest only money that you do not need for the next five years or so. Before investing in the market, save up an emergency fund that can cover six months of living expenses in case you lose your job or have an unforeseen expense like a medical bill. Then pay off any high-interest debts you may owe. When you have done all this, then you can consider investing in the market. Find a reputable broker, like the ones listed in this article, and open an account. After that, invest only in companies that you know and understand. Buy them at good prices and hold on to them until the prices look expensive. Hope this helps get you started All the best to you, Ryan Would you be kind enough to listrecommend some of the more reputable brokers in the NSE, preferably those who support online access and those with timely responses to customer inquiries. I think if the NSE actively encouraged the stockbrokers to engage the diaspora community the weekly trading volumes could be improved tremendously not to mention the capital that would be available to the listed companies. A lot more definitely needs to be done and discussions like these definitely need to be had. Direct market access by Kenyan citizens in the U. S through a US stockbroker like. etrade, tdameritrade or optionsexpress would definitely help inject the volume, capital and buoyancy that would catapult the NSE to greater heights that would lead to more institutional investors. Perhaps the NSE should engage some of the US brokers. A huge chunk of the kshs. 45billion(YTD 2013) funnelled by the diaspora could now become part of the NSE trading activity. I am a university student in Kenya and interested in trading on the stock market. What is the minimum amount I need to start, specifically with NIC. Thanks in advance, Benson Samuel can correct me if this has changed, but NIC does not require a minimum amount to open an account. Each trade, however, must be for a minimum of 100 shares. So, depending on the company you are interested in, you will likely need to invest at least Ksh300 and perhaps as much as Ksh50,000 if you wish to purchase a share like Limuru Tea, which is currently priced at Ksh490.00 per share. Happy investing Ryan I can only say thank you to Ryan, Simon and all those who asked questions. Almost all my questions if not all have been answered. I am more knowledgeable now, though I know I still have a lot to learn. I am also a studentbeginner looking to invest in the NSE and I must say this article has been of great help. Thanks, Mike. I8217m glad to hear it. Keep us posted on your investing adventures Francis Kabui says Hello, Is it possible for me in Kenya to have an account with a stockbroker in the United States Would you have a list of the stockbrokers to contact in the US, and what is the minimum amount required for investing I think your best bet is Interactive Brokers. I8217m not certain they accept Kenyan clients, but they do accept some other foreign citizens. The minimum to open an account is 10,000, unless you are younger than age 26, in which case the minimum is 3,000. All the best, Ryan Francis Kabui says Thanks for the info. Specifically, I8217m looking to make investments in the US based on recommendations in an online publication from the US (Daily Wealth) that I8217ve been following for a while now, which is why I8217m looking for a stockbroker in the US. Scottrade is your best online broker that accepts international accounts. Minimum to open an account is 500. Fees per trade are 7 per trade for stocks trading above 1. Otherwise penny stock fees are 7 plus 5 of the overall purchase for stocks trading for less than 1. FYI8230you can use the 500 to purchase stocks. If you are a beginner, do not open a margin account. A margin account allows one to short stocks and the minimum to open a margin account is 25,000. Since you want to make money when stocks go up, you need to open the regular account for 500. Scottrade has inter-banking wire transfers, so once you sell your shares, they can wire the money directly to your account. You can also buy more shares using wire transfers. If you are looking for cheap stocks with potential, look at stocks in the mobile and gaming industries, even though they are mostly cyclical. i. e, their share prices spike only after the 4th quater results are out. exaples include GLUU, MCZ, etc. for long term stocks with potential, look at NOK and TRQ. You may need to learn ratios like EPS amp PE to help you determine whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued. You only make money with undervalued stock because of potential to go up. Great info, Edward. Do you know whether Scottrade will open a trading account for a Kenyan citizen who does not reside in the US I get a lot of questions from foreign investors wanting to invest on the NYSE and Nasdaq. Scottrade has always had trading accounts for foreign nationals who are not U. S. residents. However, there are numerous paperwork that must be filled out for tax purposes and for prevention of money laundering. All these paperwork is available online at scottrade. I will do a detailed research on the entire process and paperwork required, and will post the info here. Hi Ryan, that was very educative. Exactly what i was looking for and am happy i bumped into it. The thing is, am an outgoing student and would like to invest long term. Which companies can you recommend And say i was to open an CDSC account with NIC, would i still have to worry about the companies they invest my money in or would it be completely up to them Please reply8230 Francis Kabui says Hello, So far I have not been successful in my search for a US stockbroker. While Scottrade do not cater for my geographical area (yet), Interactive Brokers require their clients to have a level of investor expertise I8217m yet to attain (I8217m just starting out in the world of investors). Any other suggestions you might have for US stockbrokers I could contact are very welcome. captain kuto says I have just started trading NSE stocks online through DBIB. However, there seems some hidden charges I cant comprehend, like today, I placed an order of 100 of Longhorn publishers at 15.95. The order value thus, was 1,595, a brokerage fee of 28.39 and Tr. Charges of 6.10. This would bring the total charges to KES 1,629.49. Yet the total I was charged for that order was KES 2,129.495 which is 500.005 excess of the expected charges. What could be the reason My experience: Very interesting experience. Last month I made a call to them asking how I could start trading using their platform. They told me to open an account and pay a monthly Kshs. 100 account maintenance fee up and above the brokerage and transaction fees Could they have charged you Kshs. 500 for the period to December I strongly advise you visit or give them a call. Happy trading Thank you for a great website, Ryan I8217m a European wanting to invest in the NSE. Which broker should I choose I would appreciate a working online platform and high quality market information. Does anyone have any recommendations Dyer and Blair also has an online trading platform: dyerandblair I haven8217t seen research from either of these brokers recently, but I am impressed with the research that I receive from Kestrel Capital and Old Mutual Kenya. Neither of them offer online trading, however, as far as I8217m aware. Thank you for the reply, Ryan I8217m in the process of opening an account SBG. However, it turns out I need a Kenyan bank account for dividend disposal if I don8217t want them sending checks via post. This has turned out to be problematic because, for example, CFC Stanbic requires me to be in Kenya in person in order to open an account. Any recommendations for a banking service provider I had written them to inquire on how to go about it. actually today and the only hinderance is that im not in Kenya. Any recommendations highly apprecited8230.. I am a Kenyan stock day trader based in the US. My question is this. Where are we in implementing the online stock trading in Kenya where traders can actually enter there own buy and sell orders at the click of a button without having to contact their broker. If this is implemented, this will bring in a lot of liquidity in the market and thus offer more opportunities due to the price movements. I missed the above comment. I think it answers my question. But if you would like to add a comment, please feel free. I would like to know the process of starting online trading in kenya. Hello Ryan, Thank you for informative analysis. I have gained enough skills through your post and am planning to visit my stock broker. Am thinking of buying KPLC shares they are currently do expansions and moving into more reliable and cheap mode of electricity generation also keeping in mind the PE ratio on 10 unloved Kenyan Stocks. Keep up the Good work. God bless Regards, Enock hi Ryan8230 I am a student planning to get high motivation on Kenya investments. it will be my wish to buy the kplc shares. I will really appreciate if you advice me. Takk skal du ha. Ryan Hoover says It8217s great that you8217ve already developed an interest in investing. Before you do, I would advise that you save an emergency fund equal to approximately six months of your living expenses. Deposit this emergency fund in a savings account that pays interest at a higher rate than inflation. After this, I suggest that you pay off any high-interest debt that you have. This is a guaranteed way to get a return on your money, and it will allow you to save more quickly in the future. If you8217ve completed both of these, then it8217s time to begin thinking about opening a share trading account with a stock broker. You can follow the steps in the article above. KPLC is a nice stock to start with. It pays a healthy dividend and should benefit from all of the new power plants that are adding electricity to the grid. Hope this helps and keep us posted on your progress Ryan Hi Ryan i am in the process of opening a brokerage account in Kenya but am unable to open a bank account (for dividends) as I am a foreigner. Do you have any suggestions please Hallo Sir Thank you for the info on investing in stocks. As a youth I believe I can now start investing in stocks by following your advice always. The gov8217t has floated the idea of introducing capital gains tax, so please explain to me how this might affect me as an investor. Please also assist with the twitter and facebook accounts. Thank you and once again good job. Zedekiah Odhiambo Great question, Zeddy. As I understand it, the Kenyan government has approved a capital gains tax of 5. What does this mean to you as an investor Well, suppose you bought a stock at a price of 100 shillings per share. Over the next year, the price of the share increases to 120 shillings per share. If you decide to sell the shares at that time, your capital gain would be 20 shillings per share (Ksh120 8211 Ksh100 Ksh20). This capital gain will be taxed at a rate of 5 (Ksh20 x 5 Ksh1). So, after capital gains tax, the return on your investment is Ksh19 per share (Ksh20 8211 Ksh1 Ksh19). Hope this helps and happy investing Following Zeddy8217s question, what are the other tax implications for foreigners investing in the NSE. For instance, I know dividends and interest bearing accounts are taxed at 10 for local investors. Do foreigners investing in NSE attract different tax rates. Also, do they need to lodge an annual tax return with KRA I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the withholding tax on dividends and interest income is 5 for Kenyan residents andor citizens of the East African Community. Everyone else is taxed at 10. Because it is a withholding tax, non-Kenyans do not need to file a tax return with the KRA. I8217m not sure how common this is outside the USA, but American citizens can avoid double taxation of their Kenyan investment income through use of the Foreign Tax Credit. The amount paid in Kenyan withholding tax can be used to reduce taxes owed to the IRS. Hope this helps and thanks for the great questions Thanks alot that was very helpful. Now let me start scouting for a broker and start investing. Bye I8217M a student involved in a competition running for four months with a capital of 5 million. Please advice on which shares to purchase in such a short period for me to earn the highest portfolio. Is it advisable to place bondsShould I buy shares from the day8217s gainers or losersShould I buy the cheapest shares or those with high pricesWhat maximum share should I buy in each company selling sharesWhat are the figures in the NSE data should I check to decide on which company to invest in Ngetich Peter says Hi, am a Kenyan citizen and would like to start investing in NSE what is the minimum amount that I have to start with for my investment, that is in Kenyan shillings reply plz thenx Ryan Hoover says Great to hear that you8217re considering investing in Kenyan stocks. As far as I know, most Kenyan brokers do not require a minimum amount to begin investing, but many will require that you purchase at least 100 shares of stock per transaction. Therefore if the stock is trading at Ksh15.00 per share, you will need Ksh1500 plus commissions and fees to execute the transaction. Commissions and fees are 2.1 of the total trade amount. So, in our example, KShs1500 x 2.1 Kshs 31.50. What a conversation Ryan This is incredible. You have opened my eyes. I now look at the world with economic lenses. I have learned so much from this conversation. I hope you are still keyed in because I will be back for more. Ryan Hoover says Thanks, Nelson We8217ve got a fantastic group of readers. I8217m glad you8217re one of them, and hope that you8217ll stay tuned for new articles coming soon. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise on Africa Stock Markets. I am new to this and I was just wondering what the difference would be opening an account with KCB versus say SBG or Dyer and Blair. Is there any advantage that one would enjoy Hi Ryan, I am 17 and from Saudi Arabia. I live with my parents and I have 5300USD in Savings and I wish to invest those in the Nairobi Securities Exchange ESPECIALLY IN Media and Advertisement stocks. So I wish that you guide me on where and how to do so. I wish that the method be online so it be easier for me to access the trades. Thanks Please which stock broking orm can i use to buy kenyan stocks online. Masimba Ndiraire says Hie. I hope I find well. what are the exact documents required for one to open CDSS account in Nairobi Kenya. I am a Zimbabwean staying in Zimbabwe I had opened an CDS account with suntra investments through KCB. Now i want to trade actively online through your bank. In mobile app, an app for my tablet and my PC. What do i need to do and if i was to open another cds account what do i need How safe is the online platform and if I am only trading and money remaining in my trading account including dividends is there a risk of my capital decreasing due to govt taxes Hi Ryan, kindly guide me on how to calculate my profit gained from trading shares. Thanks Ryan Hoover says Good question. The formula is: (selling price dividends) 8211 (purchase price commissions) profit You should write and article catering for questions arising from citizens of Kenya. What is the minimum number of shares I have to buy when I am investing in any quoted company at NSE Kenya. Ryan Hoover says You must purchase at least 100 shares when buying and selling stock in Kenya. PS! Good idea about the article for Kenya investors. In the meantime, feel free to post questions here, and I will respond as best I can I am interested to know all about the stock market..please help me to understand it and profit from it..please helpHow to Solve the Common Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Problems BY yuki November 9th, 2013 147 6 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phablet currently has faced several technical issues since it has been released on September, 2013. Some Galaxy Note 3 users reported they come across the regional lock for the smartphone, while other problems like reboot loop, handwriting bug, sluggishness, Wifi disconnection and Google play also annoyed many Note 3 owners. Here we walk you through the main Galaxy Note 3 problems followed the related solutions. Hope it can help you fix the problems you met on Note 3. Problem 1: How to Disable Regional Lock for Galaxy Note 3 When customers purchase a new Note 3 in Europe, such as Germany without contract deal, they usually find it is hard to activate the new Note 3 in another region, like the United States. Many people shared their feedbacks that they have suffered from the Galaxy Note 339s region-locking. Their SIMs from specific regions seem to be locked and show unapproved or incompatibility to the new phone. How to solve the regional lock problem for Galaxy Note 3 You can activate the Note 3 from the place where you purchase the smartphone before using it. If you forget to release the region lock at oversea, you also can follow our tutorial on how to unlock SIMs or solve the region lock for Galaxy Note 3 to solve the Note 3 locking problem step by step. Problem 2: How to Solve Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Reboot Loop Problem Plenty of Samsung Galaxy Note 3 users said on XDA-Developers forum that their devices occasionally enter a boot loop. Some reported their Note 3 would reboot while charging, plugging in or installing apps from the Play Store. However, the reboot loop problem is not really solved after a hard reset. The issue might be caused by the inserted micro SD cards, the apps installed on the handset or the antenna. because switching the device to Flight mode can be helpful in most cases. When your Galaxy Note 3 units experience the troublesome random reboot loop, you can remove the back cover and take out the battery. Then follow the steps below to uncheck the option Always allow scanning to handle the continuous reboot problem. Pull out the SD card gt Insert the Battery gt Reboot the device gt Go to Menu gt System Setting gt Wi-Fi gt Menu gt Advanced gtUncheck Always allow scanning gt Use the back key to return to the home page gt Power off the Note 3 gt Insert the SD card gt Install the battery gt Replace the Note 3 rear cover gt Turn on the device Many people have managed to handle the Note 339s reboot loop issue by following this troubleshooting. Problem 3: How to Repair a Broken Galaxy Note 3 It happens to many people that they drop their devices from time to time. It is easy to break the screen when dropping even though it is a Corning Gorilla glass, and other parts of the device might got broken too. In this case you may have to repair you phone. We suggest you make a DIY repair for your device. You may need these Galaxy Note 3 replacement parts for repair and you can watch this Galaxy Note 3 disassembly video for reference. Problem 4: How to Solve the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Google Play Problem Recently, Galaxy Note 3 Google Play problem has frustrated many users, for they failed to download applications to their device from the Google Play Store. They encountered various error notices when they installed or updated applications. The errors range from the failure to download apps, general server problems all the way to the Google Play Error: Error retrieving information from server. RPC: S-5: AEC-0. How to fix the Google Play problem for Note 3 Please check the following related solution. Step by step remove the Google account used for your Galaxy Note 3. Go to Settings gt Accounts gt Google Accounts gt Remove gt Agree on the warning gt Close Settings gt Tap the Play Store and agree to the terms and conditions gt Tap Existing Google Account gt Sign in your login details. Please note Start syncing your Google Account once downloads is working normally to restore the phone apps before it was removed. Problem 5: How to Fix Battery Drain Issue for Galaxy Note 3 Smartphone39s rapid drain battery is always to be blamed in the world, and the Galaxy Note 339s battery is no exception. Even though Samsung has applied 3200 mAH battery as well as the Super AMOLED screen display to the Galaxy Note 3, the smartphone is unable to last up to a whole day. To better save your Note 339s battery capacity, you can try the following Note 3 tips and tricks. Switch auto-syncing setting to manual Disable all features you are not using, such as Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, etc. Turn on the Power Saving model on Note 3 Disable all running apps when you don39t use them Lower screen brightness to a low level Reduce your Note 3 screen timeout duration. Problem 6: How to Deal with Note 3 Wi-Fi Networking Connection Issue People always get annoyed when they suffer from the troublesome Wi-Fi networking connection problem. Reports from Android Central, Androidforums and XDA-Developers forums presented the Wi-Fi connection issue has plagued many Galaxy Note 3 users. They said their Note 3 constantly disconnected and then reconnected to Wi-Fi. When your Note 3 experienced lots of trouble in holding on to the Wi-Fi connection, you can try the following solution. Go to Setting gt Wi-Fi gt Advanced gt Uncheck Automatic Switching Between WIFI Networks And Mobile Networks If the above-mentioned tip can39t fix your Wi-Fi issue, you can try this one: Typing 0011 on the phone dialer gt Enter a hidden menu gtSelect Menu gt Wi-Fi Setting gt Turn off Wi-Fi Power Save Mode (Note: Reboot the phone then go back into 0011 gt Wi-Fi to confirm the Wi-Fi Power Save is OFF) Problem 7: How to Fix Note 3 Handwritten Bug Issue Some Galaxy Note 3 owners reported the handwritten bug problem with the S Pen on forums. They said they wrote words with S Pen in the enabled handwritten box showed on the screen, but found nothing in the input field. It can be caused by the Note 339s smartphone technical problem. To permanently deal with the problem, there is no other solution but to return the device to the retailer for replacement. Problem 8: How to Solve Galaxy Note 3 Lag Issue Some Note 3 users complained that they were impatient with the slow speed for the new device. Although Samsung has tried to improve the performance for Galaxy Note 3, the device also faces the common lag problem on most other smartphones. The Galaxy Note 3 is likely to slow down if you activate too many features and apps, so follow the steps to increase the speed of your device. When you are encountering the sluggishness and find your Galaxy Note 3 lagged, make sure you have shut down all features or apps you dont use at that time. Close applications tapping the Back key Deactivate all features you are not using Free up memory by turning off running applications Disable auto-syncing when you dont need it If you have met other Samsung Galaxy Note 3 problems rather than the above mentioned, leave your comments. Well do our utmost to help you. August 26, 2014 at 8:59 am 0 Dear all, I8217ve Note 3 and since after the Update it keeps forgetting the wifi connections. I8217ve to re-enter the passwords of my home work or any other place. I did factory reset it but it didn8217t help. It is still under warranty but they need to keep it for 2 days only for the diagnostic test. Does anybody have an information about it 8230. August 19, 2014 at 12:29 pm 0 Hi guys I have another problem for the loooong list here I am trying to change the sms tone on my Note 3 I do exactly what they say to do and I still cant get it to change. My son also has a Note 3 and he cant get his to change from the default tone either 8230any suggestions apart from going back to Iphone. August 19, 2014 at 5:41 am 0 i have a Samsung Note 3, the problem is when i get a missed call it will not allow any more calls to come through until i have deleted the missed call, also the signal will drop when this happens but come back as soon as i have deleted the missed call, is there a fix to this problem August 11, 2014 at 10:40 am 0 I have a problem with downloading When I download sth such as a picture or music or8230 it tells me download is completed.. But the problem is here I cant find the thing for about 2 or 3 days After some day the thing appears Its very important to fix this problem with galaxy note3 Can you help me friends July 24, 2014 at 9:56 am 0 I have a note three, my battery is being consumed by mm-qcamera-daemon. I talked to Samsung about this and they told me they have never heard of it. they had my wipe the cache clean. this worked for a day but it was back the next day. has anyone else expereinced this July 10, 2014 at 5:27 am 0 Hi there. Every time I8217m on a call, my ears or my big head seem to push buttons and do all sorts of bad things. Sometimes pushes end call or mute or put on hold. The screen doesn8217t go black when I8217m on a call. It8217s really driving me crazy. Any suggestions please8217 June 18, 2014 at 1:26 am 0 Have seen every problem imaginable except mine8230lol You know when you call someone and the automated system answers and say press 1 for Well I push it and the system doesn8217t recognize that I have push anything. I try over and over and I can hear the sound that I8217m pushing the but still not recognized. Please someone HELP June 12, 2014 at 6:23 am 0 My Note 3 became unstable one week ago. I just forgot to recharge it and its battery was totally exhausted in the next morning. After recharged and booted, its lower half of the screen has become unresponsive with finger although Pen still works as usual. It means, I have to use Pen whenever I want to access to icons lying within the lower half of the screen. How can I fix it Thank you. April 29, 2014 at 3:48 pm 0 Well I8217ve seen just about every conceivable problem on this thread8230 Except for mine. So here8217s a new one for you all. Any help would be appreciated. My Note 3 will just randomly stop receiving calls or texts. I8217m told from callers that it will ring once then go right to voice mail. When they try back it just rings and rings8230 No voice mail. While I get nothing on my end. This is the second Note 3 I8217ve had. ATampT replaced the first one for the same issue. I8217m running it stock (no root) with Nova launcher. Not using any apps that I didn8217t have on my Note 2 so8230. Anyone I8217ve got to find a solution as I never know or can tell when it8217s happening. A reboot fixes it, but not until I figure out I8217m missing calls. Bad deal April 29, 2014 at 1:51 am 0 My gallary photos are all Grey screened and you can8217t view the pictures anymore. My battery dies before 3pm everyday I have the same wifi problem and a lot of the other similar problems as all listed above. I was so excited to switch to switch to this phone after having an I phone, turns out I really miss my I phone. This phone is horrible, I think samsung should recall this phone. They really didnt work outvall the bugs in this phone. If you are thinking of purchasing this phone DON8217T do it. I have bought Samsung note 3 3 months back and it was working as a good phone I ever used. Now a days the bottom left key menu is opening itself while using some other functions. Since I am unlocking the screen the issue is starting.. Kindly help me to fix it. i have the Sprint Note and its less than a month old, when I make call it just stays in the dialing mode after a while it says call lost. I also can8217t send or receive texts. When I do receive texts they are delayed for at least 5-6 hours. My data however is perfect at 4GLTE. I need help this is so frustrating. March 29, 2014 at 2:30 am 0 Got my Note 3 (SM-N900) yesterday. Got the restart problem. it just restarts when it likes to. i tried the Uncheck Always allow scanning option but no go, i even removed my SIM and SD card and still it reboots. even factory resethard reset and also Wipe cache and wipe data but nada8230 I also read about Google play updating a app that also causes the boot loop so i turned off Google play, still reboots when it likes to. It has KitKat on it. i took it to the shop and they will be giving me a new one next week. Does anyone have a stable Note 3 with KitKat on it I would like to know the Baseband version and build number ( Settings8211gt About) maybe that could help. i had PDA: N900UBUDNB2 CSC: N900UUBDNB2 MODEM: N900UBUDNA1 Do the Note 3 now come standard with KitKat i wish i can find one with 4.3 i read that those were stable March 28, 2014 at 1:08 am 0 Note 3 starting to freeze have to reboot often. but biggest complaint right now is once i use the S pen in text i can8217t go back to key board. even on restart it is stuck on s pen input. it allows me to put in symbols or smiley faces but no keyboard for text letters available no matter what I do. Hope there is a fix for this. 8216 just to let samsung know as well, my wifi is so unreliable i can8217t use it even at home where signal strenth is strong it cuts out. I can only use my provider data. March 27, 2014 at 1:24 pm 0 The problem I8217m needing help with is the email badge is not responding to new emails. If I delete the accounts and start over, it works for awhile and stops again. I8217m using 2 company emails and yahoo. Never had this problem with Note 2. Everything is stock. March 25, 2014 at 11:25 pm 0 I have the problem of when I take pictures sometimes they are all gray or have a gray stripe across the picture. It doesn8217t happen all the time but enough to be frustrating. I have several pictures on my phone now of important moments but is nothing but a gray square on the phone. March 25, 2014 at 3:03 pm 0 When I get a text or a facebook notification, I can8217t open it through the drop down screen. When I get an email, I can open it through the drop down screen, but not texts and facebook. Anybody have a clue on what to do Thanks. March 25, 2014 at 5:24 am 0 Likewise, my phone hangs every now and then ever since i set it to password lock screen. Not forgetting, it auto restarts at least twice each day. Added to it, there is a weird beeping sound and it does not go off until I silent the phone. Anyone with me sighs March 25, 2014 at 4:58 am 0 I am having N 900 samsung note 3 model, I am trying to delete a google account. As per above instruction, tried from settings, but Accounts option itself is disabled or not working. I have tried lots of things, but not getting worked out. If anybody can, Pls help Thanks for sharing the common problems with Note 3. I purchased a Note 3 8 days ago, and so far I noticed that my phone does not switch from Wifi to Mobile Data very well, even though have been enabled. Sometimes it does and most of the time it doesn8217t. Any idea what the issue is February 13, 2014 at 2:00 pm 0 I have the Note 3 N900a (Atampt version bought out right running with Net10 Atampt simple card) and a 30gb ad card). A couple weeks back the touch screen stopped working in essence turning my phone into an expensive brick. Had it not been for the S pen I would have been done. The two buttons (back and menu) at the bottom still worked. Since it is an Atampt phone I took it to a local retailer. The first question was 8221 were you out in the cold and how long if yes8221 the she realized the bottom 2 buttons worked. Apparently these screens are known for having low tolerance for cols temps and can be permanently damaged. she tried taking the battery out to reboot like I did to no avail. I left and went home removed all apps I downloaded, no help. I backed up everything and did a factory reset. Still didn8217t work. Mind you all this with my S pen because screen would not recognize my fingers. Then I called Samsung and they were confused after many attempts to resolve. Wanted me to send phone in for service. To this point I had rebooted, taken the battery out, uninstalled all the Apps I installed, done a factory reset. Now I was getting ready to pack and ship to Samsung. I removed my memory card and Net10 sim card. I put the sim card in to make one last call to realize the screen was now responding to my finger. I called Samsung to cancel the service repair order and the screen has been working fine ever since. I don8217t know what it was that fixed it. It may have been one thing or a combination of all. My guess would be something with the SD andor sim card. My 8216new8217 Note-3 8211 love it. Only issue 8211 switching between Wi-Fi and Mobile-data is not smooth. I have tried everything. turned-off automatic switching. used your 0011 trick 8211 still an issue. Wondering when will Samsung fix this nuisance BY Ruzdi Farouk April 15, 2014 at 9:13 pm I also have same problem with my newly bought note works with WiFi but when I switch to mobile data it does not connect as the configuration applied for the internet subscription is not accepted by this phone. December 13, 2013 at 4:33 am 0 My wifi reception is horrible it toggles between 3G 4G and wifi as you described above but when I tried dialing that number it doesn8217t work, 8220the number you have reached cannot be dialed8221 I turned off the automatic switching option, I8217ll let you know how that works December 12, 2013 at 6:47 pm 3 I8217ve had my Note 3 for 2 months and I8217m ready to toss it out the window while on the freeway. It keeps dropping calls, and I mean 3 or 4 times per conversation, multiple times per day, in random places where I should have no problem with signal. I look at it and the signal bar pyramid goes completely gray. But it will still say 4G LTE. Also, it will freeze up and I can8217t press anything. I can8217t even restart, because it doesn8217t accept any screen touches. Sometimes this will go away in a few minutes and I can restart the phone, but sometimes it takes a half hour or more. Finally, I keep getting a notification with an icon of a solid-colored white badge that says Prevention information. When you look at the message it says, An application has been forced to stop for an unauthorized attempt to access system in your device.8221 But I don8217t have any apps that are not from the Play store. When I check in with Lookout, it doesn8217t show any problems. I8217m feeling a lot like I bought a 700 piece of crap. Any help would be appreciated. September 7, 2014 at 3:54 am i just got the note 3 and i get that same message82308230.also i cant connect to my home WIFI8230its WEP protected March 8, 2014 at 6:59 pm I have a similar problem with my Note 3. On a daily basis i have to restart my Samsung. I password protected my Samsung 8211 entering the pwd is iften a pain, for each letter it takes sth like half a minute. After a restart it works for a couple of hours before the problem starts all over again. Killing apps does not help 8211 there must be sth additional running in the background killing the phone April 19, 2014 at 8:07 am I just got my note 3 from the company, and have encountered what you described. I cannot even type in the passwod on the screen. It just will not recognize it. Any solutions you have found.

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